Through your generous giving, Dayspring is able to partner with over 30 missionaries and local ministries to provide financial support on a monthly basis. While they need our financial support to do their incredible work, they also need our prayers. Please click on their photo to see more about their scope of ministry and prayer needs. (New entries will be added regularly, so keep checking back).
Thank you for being a part of spreading the Gospel to our world!!!
Thank you for being a part of spreading the Gospel to our world!!!
2025 Mission Trips
Are you interested in joining one of the 2025 Mission Trips? You can complete you Mission Trip Application here.
Youth NYC trip
Leader: Pastor Mackenzie
Cost: $1600
Dates: May 31st-June 7th
You will partner with 12th Rock Sports Ministry to host a youth sports camp in Orange County, New York.
Leader: Pastor Mackenzie
Cost: $1600
Dates: May 31st-June 7th
You will partner with 12th Rock Sports Ministry to host a youth sports camp in Orange County, New York.
Champions in Action
Leader: Adam Hafer
Cost: $2300
Dates: June 20th-29th
During the week, you will play soccer with at risk boys, share the gospel with them, and equip a group of Guatemalan young men to be their mentors for a whole year afterward.
Leader: Adam Hafer
Cost: $2300
Dates: June 20th-29th
During the week, you will play soccer with at risk boys, share the gospel with them, and equip a group of Guatemalan young men to be their mentors for a whole year afterward.
Mexico City
Leader: Barb Weaver
Cost: $2550
Dates: July 19th-26th
Join the Dayspring Mexico City Mission Team as we partner with Operation Serve International to help provide free medical, optical and dental services, as well as hair care and children’s ministries to thousands of underprivileged individuals.
Leader: Barb Weaver
Cost: $2550
Dates: July 19th-26th
Join the Dayspring Mexico City Mission Team as we partner with Operation Serve International to help provide free medical, optical and dental services, as well as hair care and children’s ministries to thousands of underprivileged individuals.
Women’s Madagascar Trip
Leader: Pastor Deborah
Cost: $4050
Dates: August 12th-24th
Our team will minister to
women and Women Ministry Leaders across the Island.
Leader: Pastor Deborah
Cost: $4050
Dates: August 12th-24th
Our team will minister to
women and Women Ministry Leaders across the Island.

Don and Jacquie Cartledge
Latin America
Don and Jacquie Cartledge have served as missionaries in Latin America since 1981. They have labored in Chile and Costa Rica and are currently training missionaries from the country of Cuba.
We would love to partner in prayer for the Cartledge family, here are some specifics they asked us to pray for!
We would love to partner in prayer for the Cartledge family, here are some specifics they asked us to pray for!
- Cuba’s humanitarian crisis due to lack of medical supplies and hospital beds because of COVID.
- Low food supply for the Cubans and Islanders.
- The church has been a powerful force for both spiritual and cultural change- pray that it will continue to stand strong in the face of opposition and to march forward with the Good News of the Gospel!

Steve and Jill McCarthy
Steve and Jill look forward to seeing the great harvest the Lord has for Uruguay. They will continue serving on the national leadership team for church planting, helping to train and mentor new planters with the goal of launching 25 new churches. They will serve as national representatives for Global University, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees for Uruguayan pastors. In addition, they will use sports as a tool of evangelism to reach children and teens. We would love to partner in prayer with the McCarthy family, here is a list of some specific prayer we can be praying with them for!
- For the churches in San Carlos, Salto and Soriano that will be built in the next few months.
- For God to call the next generation of church planters and for wisdom as we train and mentor them.
- For a harvest of souls, that disciples would be made, and new churches established all over Uruguay.
- Financial provision and construction teams to help build the new churches.
- For health, strength, and supernatural protection for our family as well as anointing wisdom and favor.

Terry and Debbie Waisner
Terry and Debbie Waisner
Terry and Debbie Waisner have served as missionaries with the Assemblies of God World Missions since 1983. During terms of service in Southeast Asia their ministries covered a broad variety of different areas. They were actively involved in translation and distribution of Thai language evangelism programs, mercy ministries to slum children, prison evangelism and pioneered an outreach to the Akha hill tribe people. They also pastored the Assemblies of God International Church in Bangkok. They co-founded the Chiang Rai Children’s Home in northern Thailand. This project began by rescuing young hill tribe girls caught in the sex slave trade. These children are evangelized and prepared for life and ministry. The Home now provides total care for 116 children. Among them are infants that were born in prison. Terry and Debbie serve as Field Reps for Asia’s Little Ones, the collective Compassion Ministries of the Asia Pacific Region and coordinators of the Asia Pacific Board of Regents dedicated to advancing leadership and development opportunities within the Region. They are also assigned the responsibility for Special Projects with the Regional Directors Office of Asia Pacific. We would love to partner in prayer for the Waisner family alongside you, here are some specifics they asked us to pray for!
- Pray that the recent super spike in COVID-19 cases in Thailand will subside.
- Funding to establish a quarantine room at the Chiang Rai Children’s Home.
- The children to be able to go back to school.
- The lead pastor who oversees the hill tribe evangelism outreach and has 9 churches under him desperately needs a miracle to survive. He is on a ventilator and fighting for his life.

Elizabeth Thill
Missionary to Germany/Austria
Elizabeth is in her 1st year as a missionary in Europe and is responsible for the youth and young adults programs. She is serving alongside missionaries Mike and Laura Clark in their church
- God would give her wisdom as she serves Him
- Pray that she would find new ways and opportunities to reach these young people

Kristin Edinger
Missionary to Estonia
Kristen works with people in war torn areas to plant churches and help with community development. She has helped in the effort to help families caught in the conflict zone to receive the seeds and supplies necessary to be self-sufficient. Over 2,500 families were helped through SEED (Something to Eat Every Day).
- For safety for her and the ones she is serving.
- Pray that doors open for the Gospel to be preached.

Steve Brannan
Chi Alpha Great Lakes Area Director, Ohio
Chi Alpha is a national organization of campus ministries. As an area director, Steve assists development of local campus ministries, executes operational plans, resources district leaders and advances the national movement.
- We need God fearing men and women on our college campuses unafraid to be the light to their peers
- Pray that leaders are raised up and students are not afraid to be different and minister to their peers.

Dave and Marie Turner
Serving in Guatemala, Latin America, Caribbean
The national church of Guatemala has invited the Turners to help develop restoration & reconciliation ministries. In addition, the Turners are training leaders in the local church to minister in these areas. They are partnering with the local church to develop compassion ministry to the poor and to see the local church equipped to bring those in bondage out of darkness.
- Give wisdom to the Turners as they embark upon all these projects may they bear much fruit and grant them wisdom, strength and health to work for your Kingdom.

Don and Terri Triplett
Executive Directors of King’s Castle Ministries, Latin America
King’s Castle Ministries initial purpose was to raise up an army of young, Spirit-filled warriors to invade Latin America with the simple message that Jesus saves and is coming soon. Today, that vision has expanded to dozens of countries throughout the world. Working hand-in-hand with the local church, thousands of young men and women are giving their lives for the cause of global evangelism in the various aspects of the ministry.

Ty and Cina Silva
Area Directors, Northern Pacific Rim
As area directors, the Silvas serve AGWM missionaries in a pastoral and administrative role. Ty and Cina are also Lead Pastors of Agape International Christian Assembly (ICA) in Taipei. Agape ICA is one church meeting in eight locations and is focused on reaching the international and English-speaking Taiwanese communities. People from more than 25 nations make up the church family of Agape ICA.
- Give wisdom to the Turners as they embark upon all these projects may they bear much fruit and grant them wisdom, strength and health to work for your Kingdom.

Terry and Ruthanne Hoggard
World Missions/Convoy of Hope
The Hoggards are working on a project called Europe Renewal. Their desire is to encourage spiritual development in Europe at every level by crafting strategies, coaching synergy and creating solutions. Watch a video from Terry.
- Safety and security in our travels
- Continued renewal and revival in our planted churches
- Emerging plans for Europe will succeed in every way

Jeremy and Jenilee Goodwin
Serving in Senegal, West Africa
The Goodwins assist national churches in Senegal by building healthy, creative children’s ministries to better reach the next generation for Jesus! Watch a video.
- Health and safety during the unknowns of this year.
- Current building projects and curriculum work.
- Our girls’ schooling, friendships, transitions and health.

Dr. Jim and Meg Thacker
Missionaries to Africa, serving the country of Madagascar
The Thackers serve in one of the poorest countries in the world, Madagascar. In addition to the poverty, it is a spiritually dark place with several demonic religions and a rapid rise of Islam. The Thackers are raising up and training leaders and pastors and planting churches to evangelize the lost.
- Pray for 20 more church plants to happen during their next term.
- Effective training of children’s ministry workers.

Jay and Carey Rostorfer
Missionaries to Madagascar
Currently in the US speaking and raising new support, the Rostofers have been missionaries to Madagascar for 20 years. Before that, they served as pastors and church planters in Ohio for 12 years.
- Needed funds will be raised to return to ministry in Madagascar
- Prayers for the church plant in the capital city of Antananarivo

Mike and Debbie Caldwell
Missionaries to Cuba and Venezuela
Mike and Debbie have had good health and enjoy ministering at the Latin America Advanced School of Theology.
- Covid has decimated a large percentage of our ministers and families across Latin America. Estimates as of July 2021 are over 2,500! We need many to fill the gaps and provide for the survivors and lead our national churches.
- Prayers for hunger and health in the nation. The pandemic has affected the people greatly and food and supplies are limited.

Jeff and MaryAnn Stone
Missionaries to Bethlehem and Beyond
Jeff and MaryAnn recently left the states for the Holy Land. They want to find people like Cornelius who are not only eager to hear the truth but to share the excitement with others. They want to see His name made famous in Bethlehem and beyond!
- Peace in the transition with their two young children.
- Soft hearts ready to receive the gospel.
- Team Members to join in the work.

Isaac and Terry Smythia
Missionaries to Latin America/Caribbean
Isaac and Terry direct church plant construction teams and help train church plant pastors.
- Pastors and churches as they deal with COVID and related restrictions.
- New church plants in Guatemala and Mexico.

Steve and Christina Walent
Missionaries to Europe
The Walents serve in Germany helping churches become healthy and move them towards starting new bodies of believers.
- Church revitalization so they can fulfill their mission.
- Continued open doors ministering in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
- Fresh awakening of the Spirit in people.

Brad and Rhonda Walz
Missionaries to Latin America and the World
Pastor Brad is the President of Latin America Missions Network and chairman of the World A/G Fellowship, Missions Commission.
- Wisdom and guidance as we work developing programs.
- Spiritual revival amid the pandemic.
- Physical and emotional health and protection.