Days 7- Sunday, January 15, 2023

Jan 15, 2023    Pastor Cody Winkler

Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


God’s people wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. During that time their shoes never grew old, their clothes always fit, and they were given 3 meals a day from the Lord. They lived protected and led by God’s presence. Whenever they were led into the Promised Land they were going to have to plant and harvest, they were going to have to fight an enemy. The land was more fruitful than the wilderness, but they were going to have to take it.


The wilderness was comfortable and required obedience. However the Promised Land is where God’s greatest plans were going to manifest yet faith was required. Often times, we can get comfortable in staring at the great unknown of God’s direction and plan for our lives. Like the nation of Israel standing in the chasm between the wilderness and the Promised Land we are given a similar command God gave to Joshua.


Be strong! Fear Not! Get to walking! We draw our strength from the Lord and understand that though there might be enemies in the unknown, God will fight them for and with us. We are not alone! However before any of that can be realized a step must be taken. We cannot take the land God has given us simply by talking about and asking for it. The best way to demonstrate our faith in God and our courage is to get to walking and take the land.


What steps of faith does God have for you in 2023? What land has He told you to take? Get to stepping and take the land!